Ben Franklin Close

The Ben Franklin close is a pro and con list. If the pros outweigh the cons, do it. For decades, sales consultants and managers have been using this type of close to help decrease buyer’s fears and help them feel comfortable buying the car today. It is a way to...

A Life of Abundance

Abundance or scarcity.How are you living your life? Living a life of abundance is so much bigger than your material possessions or the size of your bank account. Abundance is a mindset. It is a way of living your life. How can you tell if you are living with abundance...

Buyer’s 4 Questions

All buyers have four questions. Answer these questions and you will close more deals and make more money. Buyer’s 4 Questions: What should I buy?Where should I buy it?How much should I pay?When should I buy it? If you can help buyers answer these 4 questions,...

Proactive v. Reactive Lifestyle

How do you know if you are living proactively or reactively? If you’re stopping at a gas station for an energy drink every day, you might be living a reactive life. If you’re running out for lunch every day, you might be living a reactive life. Reactive...

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

The lies we tell ourselves can become dangerous. The more we tell ourselves these lies, the more we tend to believe them. The more we repeat lies in our minds, the more they become our reality. When these lies become reality, we are not living life to the fullest. Do...