All Businesses Are Based On Relationships

All businesses are built on relationships – especially sales and service. You have to build relationship and trust with your customers. Their perception of you, your dealership, your service team comes from the strength of your relationship. Even if you make the...

Personal Strength

How do you respond to your circumstances? When things are bad, how you respond matters. When things are good, how you respond matters. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of...

Turn Your Talent Into Art

What is the difference between talent and art? Talent you have naturally. Art, or skill, is only developed by hours and hours of beating on your craft. This is also called preparation and practice. Developing your skill maximizes your talent. “The separation of...

Manners Matter

How to improve all your interactions with customers and coworkers. Powerful interactions with people, with your customers, start with good manners. When talking about manners, “Thank you” and “I appreciate you” are the most effective ways to...

Seek Physical Excellence

Anything you value, you prioritize. What we mean by seeking excellence physically: Doing the things that matter to improve your overall health. Your overall health has a big role in your life. If you are healthy, you have more energy and you can be more of a benefit...

Business is Great!

Your attitude is everything. Your attitude dictates what you do, how well you do it, and how it is received by customers.Protect your attitude. You know your attitude is under assault all the time. Business is not always great. Some days just suck. Other people are...