Handling Upset Customers, Part 1

Frustration happens when expectations aren’t met.How do you turn upset customers into Excited, Loyal, Lifetime Customers? In this four-part Seek Excellence series, we are talking about upset, frustrated customers. Sometimes, people come in with an attitude....

Excellence In Sales & Life, A Proven Path

The path to excellence in all areas of your life is rooted in 6 timeless, proven principles. You have to make the decision to be excellent. It isn’t going to just happen to you. “Fools are destroyed by their own complacency.”- Proverbs 1:32 What is...

Complacency Leads to Destruction

The complacency of fools will destroy them. Solomon said this over 3,000 years ago. It’s still true today. What is complacency?Why will it destroy you? A complacent person is someone who does not examine themselves. They get up, go through the motions, and do it...

As You Think In Your Heart, So You Are

Professionals prepare to win everyday! Your thinking, you attitude, your point of view determines the quality of your life.Thinking is one of the principles, one of the natural laws, that governs your life. Be careful what you think. How you think determines how you...

I Don’t Have Time

Have you ever said “I don’t have time”? What does that even mean?We all have the same 24 hours in a day. I don’t have time to…(You fill in the blank.) It’s funny how the most important, the most jugular, things for our well-being,...