Your Daily Routine

Why is your daily routine important?

Carefully designing your daily routine helps you be more productive, in control, and be the best person you can possibly be. Your daily habits, repeated over time, become your daily routine.

If you develop these four habits and make them a part of your daily routine, it will pay big dividends for you at work.

  1. Be Early – Being early is one of the most important habits you can develop. It is the key to other habits. Always leave on time to get to work early.
  2. Drive the Inventory Every Day – Take 5-10 minutes to drive the lot. Do this every day before work. Knowing your inventory is one of the critical sales skills that separates master salespeople from clerks. It allows you to better serve your buyers.
  3. Prepare Your Day – Take time each morning to go through your day. Prepare your daily game plan. Know your appointments, deliveries, calls, and follow-ups for the day. If you start your day without preparation, you will spend your day scurrying around playing catch up. This creates stress and kills productivity. By visualizing your day, you will automatically become more productive.
  4. Watch Training Videos – All subscribers to the Excellence Roadmap receive daily training videos delivered to your inbox Monday – Friday. If you want training on a different topic, log in to the Excellence Roadmap and watch videos about the topics you want to learn more about. Did you struggle with something yesterday (Trial Close, Exploration, Presenting Numbers, Win-Win Closing, etc.)? Watch videos on the topic.

Remember: You are responsible for your training, for your knowledge and skill, for your daily habits and routine. Be proactive. Take charge of your day.

Good Selling!