Sell 5-12 More Cars A Month

All you need is this one simple shift.

And the simple shift is in your thinking.

“How many calls (or texts or emails) should I make every day?”

I get this question all of the time. But this is not the best question to ask.

Here’s the key:
Don’t think about how many calls you need to make.
Think about why you are making the calls.

What are the results you want to achieve? If your goal is to schedule one future appointment each day (and this should be your minimum goal), then the answer to the question of “how many calls should I make” is however many it takes.

If you schedule one future appointment a day, you
will sell 5 – 12 more cars
every month.

Think about what that
will do for your paycheck.

This shift in your thinking is the difference in being task-oriented or results-oriented.

The task is the call. The result is why you are making the call. So, why are you making the call?
Are you making the call to check off an item on your to-do list? Because someone, somewhere told you to make X number of calls a day? If you remain focused on the task, you will never achieve the result.

If your goal is focused on the result, if your goal is to set one future appointment a day, you will schedule 22 appointments a month. This will result in selling 5-12 more cars each month.

So, don’t think about how many calls you need to make.
Think about why you are making the calls.

Every day seek to hit your desired result.

Do whatever it takes to get it done.